Radiation protection

Radiation Protection Law in Sweden

In Sweden, there is an authority called SSM that works to promote and prevent people and the environment from the undesirable effects of radiation, now and in the future.

In 2018, a new law on radiation protection was introduced, with an increased responsibility for those who conduct radiation operations. Below you can read the new law. Some companies need to apply for a license to conduct radiation operations, while reporting obligations for businesses with low radiation content are sufficient.

Hantering av Strålning

Key Radiation Laws and Regulations

There are many laws and regulations that apply to radiation, depending on what type of radiation is intended, how much radiation it is and what type of activity is intended.

We have also included links to the pages that deal with what applies when starting different types of business, so that you can more easily find those laws.

Operations Research activities

Some of the most important laws

SSMFS 2018:396

Basic provisions for protection against ionizing radiation. The law also outlines regulations regarding licensing requirements, supervision, and liability provisions such as fines or imprisonment.

SSMFS 2018:506

The regulation outlines applicable dose limits, optimization requirements, and other provisions for radiation protection.

SSMFS 2018:1

The regulation sets requirements for organization, protection of workers, the public, and the environment. It also covers HASS controls, training, and documentation. The definition of HASS can be found in Appendix 6.

SSMFS 2018:2

The regulation sets requirements for notifiable activities such as sealed radiation sources (not HASS).

SSMFS 2018:3

The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority’s regulations on exemptions from the Radiation Protection Act and the clearance of materials, building structures, and areas. This document provides clearance levels for various radionuclides.

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